8-10 Sep 2020 Strasbourg (France)


Many-electron systems that display quantum effects are ubiquitous in such disparate fields as nanoscience and technology, dense matter physics, and astrophysics.

Current theoretical and computational tools, such as time-dependent density-functional theory and quantum kinetic theory, are too heavy to cope with large systems containing many thousands of electrons over experimentally-relevant  simulation times. Hence, there is a need for flexible macroscopic models that are sufficiently simple to be run on standard computers, but contain enough physics to assess the electron dynamics beyond the simple Mie response.

Quantum hydrodynamics (QHD) is a good candidate for this intermediate level of description. QHD addresses the time-dependent electron response using a small number of fluid-like equations for the electron density, current, and pressure, and can incorporate such crucial features as nonlocal, nonlinear, quantum, exchange-correlation, and finite-temperature effects.

Besides condensed-matter and nanophysics, QHD finds other important applications to astrophysics (compact objects such as neutron stars and pulsars), high-density plasmas generated by laser pulses (warm dense matter regime, inertial fusion), and cold atomic gases (Bose-Einstein condensates and superfluid fermionic gases).

Workshop information

This 3-day workshop  will gather about 20 international experts on the foundations of QHD and its applications to condensed matter physics and quantum plasmonics, astrophysics, dense matter and plasmas, and cold atomic gases.

The oral contributions are by invitation only. Other participants can submit an abstract for a poster presentation here.

The workshop itself will be preceded by a couple of introductory lectures targeted at a graduate student public, particularly those students taking part in the international graduate school QMat.

There are no registration fees, but registering on this website is mandatory (here).

The workshop will lead to the publication of a Special Topic Issue in the international journal Contributions to Plasma Physics (Wiley).



Special Issue manuscripts are now accepted. Go to the "Special Issue publication" tab on the left. Extended deadline: September 30, 2021.

Because of the Covid-19 crisis, this QHD workshop is postponed to a later date. Further information will be posted  in due course.

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